Nubians Struggle to Restore Egypt’s Long-Lost Legacy

The Nubians, who are Egyptians before anything, believe that their main struggle isn’t about restoring their ancestral land as much as it is about restoring the Egyptian civilization and Nubian culture which they claim was buried due to ignorance and negligence of Egyptian governance over the decades. The Nubians are an ethnic minority group who…

Doing My Mind Some Courtesy By Speaking Out My Boredom

Ever took a minute of your precious time to think of what it means to be living a nightmare? If what I’m about to write now is how you feel about nightmare, then we must be sharing the same lonesome dictionary. Sitting in my weakly-lit bedroom, laying in bed with my earphones right stuck into…

Sadly, Egypt loses Its Last Game in the FIFA Mondial 2018

In the green-walled hall, people gathered to watch Egypt play for the third time in FIFA World Cup 2018. There wasn’t much enthusiam in the place, but still remained the spec of hope that people held onto and that was to see Egypt play a really well-performed game. On Monday 25, Egypt played for the…

Because all it takes is a bit of risk to have loads of fun

It is unusual for me to see someone who is always dressed in black to be that much cheerful and passionate. I usually take black as a sign of grief, but talking to that person in class and seeing her beautiful smile as she speaks about herself and her interests made me revisit this idea […]

Egypt loses to Uruguay…El Shenawy becomes Man of the Match

Despite the end result of the game being in favor of Uruguay in the FIFA World Cup 2018, the Egyptian National Football Team won the hearts of millions of people and not just in Egypt but in the entire Arab world. This is the first game I watch Egypt play and the only game I…

She Was Born To Fight For What She Loved

Before Caroline bought her first guitar, she used to grab a broom stick and make it into one. She had one leg put on the edge of her bed and the other was set on the floor, looking exactly like a musician as she strummed on the strings of her imaginary guitar. She looked so…

“Sok Ala Ekhwatek” is a Huge Waste of Time

“Sok Ala Ekhwatak” (Shut Down Your Sisters) starring the great Actor of Masrah Masr (Egypt theatre) Ali Rabei, is an ingenuine, dishonest TV show. It readapts almost the same plot of another Egyptian series, Azmet Sokar, that hit the small screen six years ago, without making any claims about it. “Sok Ala Ekhwatak” series tells…

Eid at Home Has a Different Almost Bitter Sweet Taste

I spent most of the eid holiday at home, either in bed or in the kitchen. I felt as if the eid holiday was really long but I did manage to add bits of fun and mess to it. On the first day of eid, I had an omelet for breakfast, which I also made…